Category: Mr. Lobo says…

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Look Out! It’s The Ghouligans! Misunderstood Monsters Looking for a Place in This World!

This is a critical review as well as a general article about these “cool” creeps and the challenges they obviously face. With decline of broadcast and DVD, the stranglehold of corporate media, the glut of amateurish horror content on the internet, and the attention span of the average monster kid diminishing to about 4 seconds…a lot of you reading this may have yet not taken the time to actually watch THE GHOULIGANS! We’ve had the DVDs in our possession for some time. Why did it take us so long to check it out? Mr. Lobo saw some of their old…

by CharlesHarrison
October 13, 2014

A Witch’s Best Friend Is a Werewolf – Rest In Peace Magoo Gelehrter

We express our deepest condolences to the friends, family and fans of our beloved colleague Magoo Gelehrter–the smiling face behind the beloved werewolf Garou from the cult TV program PENNY DREADFUL’S SHILLING SHOCKERS. Dixie and Mr. Lobo, here on our Horror Host and Creature Features website, did an article a while back about the fund raiser to help pay their enormous medical expenses. With wolf-man like strength this man has been fighting for his life. He had been unable to work due to the pain and the strength it took to fight and cope with chemotherapy and the side effects.…

Farewell Karen Black

Goodnight, Karen Black. You don’t have to fight that horrible ampullary cancer of the stomach any more. Slumber in Peace. You have earned it. You have given so much to so many of us and will be missed. The popular mainstream press will tell you and tell you that she was the actress best known for her role in FIVE EASY PIECES(1970) as The Waitress opposite Jack Nicolson. Of course, she was in classic independent films like NASHVILLE(1975), THE GREAT GATSBY(1974), and EASY RIDER(1969) and won Golden Globes and was nominated for Oscars. That is NOT the actress we are…

by CharlesHarrison
August 9, 2013

Sammy Terry Lives

Yesterday there was An Open to the  Public Visitation at Singleton Mortuary in Indianapolis. As we could not be there, we thought we might have a memorial of sorts right here at HORROR HOSTS AND CREATURE FEATURES. Take a moment. Turn off your phone. Sit in a dark quiet place and read along. SAMMY TERRY LIVES By MR. LOBO, Art by DAVID HARDY Special Thanks to MARK CARTER, SEAN KOTZ, SANDY CLARK, SOLOMON MORTAMUR, CREEPY CHRISTY SAVAGE, MARLENA MIDNITE, BLAKE POWELL,  JEROME A. DOLAN, DIXIE DELAMORTO, AND THE FANS OF SAMMY TERRY! This is a very sad time for horror…

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